Career Vision: Choosing a Major and College | SJPL |Virtual

Today: Career Vision: Choosing a Major and College

This workshop will be the third in a series of career workshops. In this workshop, Jamie will discuss how to choose a major and a college that is best for their long term career goals.

To request an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act for library-sponsored events, please call 408-808-2000 or email at least three business days prior to the event.
Audience: Adults, ages 18+,Teens, ages 12-18 Source

This event is online. Review the event description and requirements in advance.
For those under 18 years of age who may be joining, we recommend that a parent/legal guardian be with you during the meeting.

Career Vision: Building a Resume from Scratch and Proactive Job/ Internship Searching | SJPL |Virtual

Today: Career Vision: Building a Resume from Scratch and Proactive Job/ Internship Searching

In this last workshop of the series, participants will learn the basics of proactive job/internship searching and will learn how to take every day skills and apply them to a resume.

They will also learn to be deliberate in new skill acquisition and utilize resources to gain new skills to get the jobs/internships they want, often in less than a few hours. Work ethic will also be discussed and how to use work experiences to build skills, experience, and future opportunities, not just earn a paycheck or to check off a box for their college application.

To request an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act for library-sponsored events, please call 408-808-2000 or email at least three business days prior to the event.
Audience: Adults, ages 18+,Teens, ages 12-18 Source

This event is online. Review the event description and requirements in advance.
For those under 18 years of age who may be joining, we recommend that a parent/legal guardian be with you during the meeting.

Career Vision: Being Deliberate in High School and Beyond | SJPL |Virtual

Today: Career Vision: Being Deliberate in High School and Beyond

This workshop will be the first in a series of career workshops. This first one will be a motivational talk about getting started in life by being deliberate and making good choices about jobs, school, majors, friends, impression management, volunteer work, experiences, life choices, resumes, and interviews.

The workshop will also detail how lack of exposure results in lack of choices and how career education is taught in America and what families can do to counter what they have been taught. Strategies for parents and students about how to make the most of high school, to prepare for college, explore careers, and discover the “I AM” in order to make high school a fun, engaging, and educational experience that leads to career discovery and motivates students to take control of their future.

To request an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act for library-sponsored events, please call 408-808-2000 or email at least three business days prior to the event.
Audience: Adults, ages 18+,Teens, ages 12-18 Source

This event is online. Review the event description and requirements in advance.
For those under 18 years of age who may be joining, we recommend that a parent/legal guardian be with you during the meeting.

Basic Drawing: Comic and Cartoon Art | SJPL |Virtual

Today: (Virtual) Basic Drawing: Comic and Cartoon Art

Learn the basics of drawing and how to create your own comics. Develop basic art skills and then practice them with our monthly challenges! Participants will learn basic techniques of line and shape drawing, 3d forms, perspective, human figure construction, and basic comic book paneling composition techniques.

Basic drawing supplies like pencils and paper will be needed.

To request an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act for library-sponsored events, please call 408-808-2000 or email at least three business days prior to the event.
Audience: Adults, ages 18+,Pre-Teens, ages 10-12,Teens, ages 12-18 Source

This event is online. Review the event description and requirements in advance.
For those under 18 years of age who may be joining, we recommend that a parent/legal guardian be with you during the meeting.

Michaels Kids Club: Kid Made Modern Pom Pom Bunnies – Free Online

Michaels Kids Club: Kid Made Modern Pom Pom Bunnies - Free OnlineUsing a collection of embellishments from the Kid Made Modern Arts and Crafts Library with any color yarn you most likely have in your craft supply collection already, these little bunnies are a simple craft with an adorable impact!

I love the idea of making an entire bunny family in every color of the pastel rainbow, filling a fireplace mantel or shelf with all your handmade creatures and being able to play with them year after year. So, gather your supplies from the list below and let’s getting hopping on this Easter craft!

Recommended Age: 4+
Skill Level: All Levels

Kid Made Modern® Arts & Crafts Library  [LINK]
Glue Dots® Craft Roll [LINK]
Craft Yarn by Craft Smart® [LINK]