July 9, 2024
11:00 am
12:00 pm
Today: NorCal Bats at Cambrian Library
Join us for an exciting, informative program about bats presented by NorCalBats. In this program, participants will learn about the importance of bats to the environment and harmful myths that tend to surround bats. NorCalBats is dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of bats throughout Northern California.
Live bats, native to California, will be safely present for viewing.
Free. No registration is required.
ADA Accommodation Requests
Audience: Kids, ages 5-10, Pre-Teens, ages 10-12, Teens, ages 12-18, Source
Image credit/source: SJPL/Pallid Bat face at Berkeley South Robert Kennedy
June 5, 2024
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
Today: NorCal Bats at Alviso Library
Join us for an exciting, informative program about bats presented by NorCalBats. In this program, participants will learn about the importance of bats to the environment and harmful myths that tend to surround bats. NorCalBats is dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of bats throughout Northern California.
Live bats, native to California, will be safely present for viewing.
Free. No registration is required.
ADA Accommodation Requests
Audience: Kids, ages 5-10, Pre-Teens, ages 10-12, Teens, ages 12-18, Source
Image credit/source: SJPL/Pallid Bat face at Berkeley South Robert Kennedy
July 25, 2024
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
Today: NorCal Bats by Corky Quirk at Almaden Library
Join us for an exciting, informative program about bats presented by NorCalBats. In this program, participants will learn about the importance of bats to the environment and harmful myths that tend to surround bats. NorCalBats is dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and release of bats throughout Northern California.
Live bats, native to California, will be safely present for viewing.
Free. No registration is required.
ADA Accommodation Requests
Audience: Kids, ages 5-10, Pre-Teens, ages 10-12, Teens, ages 12-18, Source
Image credit/source: SJPL/Pallid Bat face at Berkeley South Robert Kennedy
July 18, 2024
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
Today: Biblio Spectacular by Brian Scott Magics at Almaden Library
Brian Scott’s Biblio Spectacular is an interactive show filled with magic and comedy that leads the audience to think and wonder about the magical world around them. It ‘nudges’ kids to think and wonder: Why is the sky blue? Why do dogs pant?
This engaging reading-themed magic show promotes critical thinking, asking questions, and finding answers at the library!
There will be plenty of goofy and silly antics for young kids and the magic performed will amaze and engage all ages.
Free. No registration is required. Recommended for families. This program was generously sponsored by the Friends of the Almaden Library.
ADA Accommodation Requests
Audience: Kids, ages 5-10, Pre-Teens, ages 10-12, Young Children, ages 0-5, Source
July 11, 2024
3:00 pm
4:45 pm
Today: Math Festival at Almaden Library
The Julia Robinson Math Festival is an event that provides students with fun and meaningful math experiences to develop their mathematical confidence, joy, and problem-solving skills. At the festival, there will be a variety of play-based, manipulative-based math puzzles and games for students in grades K – 8 and their parents/caregiver. Each activity will be led by at least one trained volunteer who will introduce the activity and keep students engaged and excited as they explore. Kids will get to explore the festival at their own pace, choosing where they want to go and for how long they want to do each activity. Free. No registration required. This program is generously sponsored by the Pat Dando Endowment.
ADA Accommodation Requests
Audience: Kids, ages 5-10
Pre-Teens, ages 10-12
Young Children, ages 0-5, Source