Before you get started, take a minute to look at our FAQ: How to Get Your Event Seen and Read. It offers best practice tips about how to compose your text and images.
For $25 we will:
1) create the event post
2) submit the post to both Google and Bing for indexing
3) create metadata description
4) add tags to featured image
Send an email to marian [at] for more info.
If your event is ONLINE OR VIRTUAL, use these guidelines:
>> Event Name: Event Name | Online
Categories >>Select SITE WIDE, ONLINE, age category(ies) and other relevant categories.
>>For Venue: select Online Events
>>For Time: Use Pacific Time (San Francisco). If the event will be available at any time, select ALL DAY.
>>Free to post for consideration. $25 for us to create the event post for you.
Add Your Event To the CelebrateFamily Calendar
Click here to add your event: Add Your Event