San Francisco Frozen Film Festival

S.F. Frozen Film Festival (SFFFF) is July 14 – 18 this year and it will be virtual so families can enjoy streaming the indie films for only $20.  [LINK]

According to reps at the festival there are several kid-friendly/family/teen films and animations which are suitable for kids, as well as skate and surf films that will appeal to teens.

    • Journey with Mr  Mr, a film inspired by a Jean Tardieu program:  As the landscapes unfold behind the train’s window, thoughts roam freely and the mind wanders : Mister and Mister discourse.
    • That’s My Boy!: A kid tries to pull off an epic heist, but things quickly spin out of control…
    • Cinderella Swing:  At the Brothers Grimm high school, where all the teens from the Kingdom of Once Upon a Time go, it’s prom time. During the prom Prince Charming is kidnapped by a giant, and Cinderella goes to his rescue. Get ready to be surprised.

Get an all festival pass to see all the films for $20.00 suggested donation or give what you can. [LINK]

S.F. Frozen Film Festival Youth Programs: Voices from the Heart

SFFFF’s Youth Program is focused on engaging and helping youth become exposed to the visual arts, and learn about pathways in media as a career.

In addition to the film festival, SFFFF holds annual music and art performances, as well as youth programming and awards presentations.
Get more information about their youth education program at

SF Frozen Film Festival General Information

Dates: July 14-18, 2021
Program: You can download the program (as a pdf file) which includes descriptions about the films.  [LINK]
Cost: $20 or pay what you can. LINK

Descriptions and information about Youth (teen) films included in the festival this year are on page 13 of the pdf program.  Congratulations to the film makers featured in the film festival. The teens range in age from 15 to 21. Best Bet: 1) The films are shorts. Watch the films first before sharing with your kids. 2) Use the youth films as a springboard for talking points with your kids/tweens/teens.